7 Seas Trade & Logistics

Ciudad: Balneario Camboriu
Provincia: Capital Federal
Sector: Transporte
Tipo: Empleador Directo
A foreign trade, trading and international freight forwarding company is looking for a highly qualified professional:

Loyal, polite, polished, reliable, proactive, with in-depth knowledge of all the routines of a company in this sector, as well as knowledge of the administrative and financial sectors, sales (foreign trade), a good market strategist, dynamic, with full knowledge of all documentation (MBL, HBL, MAWB, HAWB, CRT, among others), Commercial Invoice, Proforma Invoice, Packing List, Purchasing and sales, issuing shipping documents, accounts payable and receivable, foreign exchange closing, owner's vision, contacts with all international agents, shipping, air and road companies, contracts and agreements. Knowledge of laws, taxes, tax calculations.